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Meet Carrie Brennan, Principal at JHB

Meet Carrie Brennan, Principal of the James H. Bean School!

What’s your favorite thing to do over the summer?

My favorite thing to do over the summer? Definitely gardening! This year my blueberry bushes are yielding a bumper crop, my flowers look great, and my salsa garden looks promising with plenty of peppers and tomatoes. This is my favorite EXCEPT for when we have perfectly sunny, hot weather and then I’d say my favorite thing to do is be enjoying the lake or have my toes in the sand at the ocean! That is unless I can do some exploring in the mountains or take an opportunity to look like I know what I’m doing on a golf course. I have lots of favorites and love being outside!  

Tell us about your family!

I have two daughters who are Messalonskee graduates, one who is a nurse and works at Maine General and the other who recently graduated from the University of Maine and is a chemical engineer who works at Proctor and Gamble. I’m very proud of them and the fabulous human beings that they are! My husband and I live in Belgrade where we have been for 20 years. We recently took a trip to Quebec City and had fun taking in the sites! (The picture here includes the famed “Le Chateau Frontenac” in the background.)

What is one thing you’d like to share with the students of your school building? 

I hope that my students are fully enjoying their summer break and reprieve from the daily expectations of school, but that I, along with all the JHB teachers and staff, are really looking forward to having them back at school for the 2024-2025 school year!

What is your favorite thing about being part of RSU 18?

My favorite thing about being part of RSU 18 is working with the dynamic and highly skilled professionals to provide the most engaging and effective learning environment for all students!

If you weren’t involved in the profession of education, what would we find you doing?

I’d probably be a “Youtuber” or Instagram influencer – I hear some people make a lot of money doing this. I might not have any subscribers or followers and I’m not even sure what I would post about, but I’d give it a go!


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