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Meet Cassidy Clement, Dean of Students at JHB

Meet Cassidy Clement, Dean of Students at the James H. Bean School!

What are you most looking forward to about this upcoming school year? 

I am looking forward to joining the RSU 18 school district and getting to know all of the educators, students, and families at the James Bean School! I cannot wait to visit all the classrooms and get to know a whole new group of learners. 

What’s your favorite thing to do over the summer?

I enjoy spending as much time as possible outdoors during the summer time. This summer I’ve spent a great deal of time on Wesserunsett Lake soaking in the sun and participating in water activities!  

Tell us about your family!

I reside in Skowhegan with my fiancé and our golden retriever, Maple! Our two nephews, Jaxx and Jace, keep us very busy with a variety of sporting events to attend. 

What is one thing you’d like to share with the students of your school building? 

I’d like all the James Bean students to know that I am so excited to be joining them this school year. We are going to have a wonderful year together!

What is your favorite book to share with students and why?

My favorite books to share with students are the Wonder books. Whether it be the picture book or the chapter book, students always enjoy learning about compassion, empathy, and perseverance through these two texts. The Wonder movie that goes along with them is just an added bonus for kids!

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